Oleh itu,maka(tetapkanlah kepercayaanmu) bahawa sesungguhnya tiap-tiap kesukaran disertai kemudahan.(sekali lagi ditegaskan) bahawa sesungguhnya tiap-tiap kesukaran,disertai kemudahan. (AL-INSYIRAAH;5-6)

Thursday, December 31, 2009

Murahkan rezeki Dia? Syukur alhamdullillah!

Mase i amik paper bm, memang 'ah aqu xdpt 9a punyelah', memang 'adoi mak mati ah aqu karangan bantai cincai cincai je ni ADOWLAWH!' (kegatalan ber'w' menjelme huahuahua). Memang tak senyum macam selalu macam exam yang bese bese ahh bile sume sume horey horey pmr da mampus.

So after a month and a half (i guess) i pegi amik result. Tice tnye lah nom giliran bape? i plak. 'eh ntahlah tice tak engatlah tice'. Ish3. Then tice caricari result i. Bile ketas result yang kecik tuh duk dpan mate, i pon eh mane b eh mane c. Alhamdulillah. *wink2x* Terimakasih yang teramat kepade sume yang terlibat menjayekan penggambaran ini! (Ceh hidup kan suatu pentas) Kepade parents, adekbadek monsters, cigu cigu cigu cigu cigu, rakan rakan, sahabat handai, dan eh banyaknyeeeeee dan banyaknye orang dan juge nobita. Nobita! Awak dah berjaye okay! Nanti spm mesti Allah bagi yang lebih baik. Setiap perkara yang terjadi pasti ade hikmahnye! Okaylah terimekasih korang sumeh. Korang memang thebest! Canilah..lau de pape gtau aku..insyaAllah aku tolong..tu je care nak balas budi korang sume..(hahah pinjam ayat eyh awak!)

That night, dinner escape at tanjong jara resort. Wah wah resort nih. Nanti nak kawen nak photoshoot situ! Heheh. Dah gatal nak kawen. Bukanlahh. Menyatakan hasrat je nih. :p

*nanti i updet balik loads of pichas!*

Total bazir pitih kat sini dah empatratus riyal. Memang cekik darah. Yelah. Makan seciput jeh. Baik beli tudung ariani empat helai. Tapii lau korang nak jugak bazir pitih kat sini try air bumbung eh! Heheh.

Semalam bedey abg pesa! Macih sebab selalu ketukketuk kepale ji smpai ji leh dpt 9a! isk. Alhamdulillah. Besa (gabungan abg + pesa) lah paling nak tau ji dapat bape pmr. Heheh selalu kol otw nak gi skolah amek result ritu. Sukeee takotkan orang.

Esok nak blaja kete menggunekan kete ini heheh! Ehem ehem kalau rajinlah kan.

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

pray for me. (^-^)

yes. finally. tomorrow, pmr result will be released. heyyo all pmr takers? are u ready to get ur result yet? cus iam not. haha. *giggled*

iam not sure getting straight a's regarding lots of unconfirmed news. tapi takpe. allah know what is the best for us.

Monday, December 21, 2009

ku ingin terbang tinggi diawan malam ni cam tak bes sangat.

let pichas do the talk.

oyaip. pichas cant talk.
i got these new books and i love em all!
tengs mak, kak ana. :p

ni sugarfree cake. cam bagos ntuk orang ngah diet and craving cakes.
eh eh taklah aqu reke je.
eh nampak bes tak? haha. tau cam banyak lubang lubang an.
nilah. tak sempat tekan. sume org nk cepat makan.
ceh. :p

and iam envy-ing those those people who went shopping at jakarta.

Thursday, December 17, 2009

salam maal hijrah :}

to all my muslim brothers and sisters (ceh skema) ;p ,today,17dec, muslims worldwide will usher in the new year according to the hijrah calendar. well,i am not a scholar to give you speeches or write sermons. so i wish you guys salam maal hijrah. may you all have a successful and prosperous new year. may Allah crown us with the best of iman,health,wealth,and peace of mind.

with regards to a new year resolution,i only have one. to be a better muslimah. ye ye saye tau. taon lpas pom gitu gak an. hehe. insyaAllah!

do not forget to read the year-end and year-beginning doa's!

*period. duh. :'(

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Dear Dan Humphrey,

Dan. Dan. Dan dear.

(fyi Dan is one of the hot guys in gossip girls. not to mention the hottest) ;b

i'm so sorry Serena throwed a gazillion of random shits to you dear. how could she?how could she be SO evil? i mean it. SO EVIL to take you,dear Dan Humphrey, for granted. she just pushed you away after she met that not-so-hot-eventho-one-of-the-catering-waitress-said-so Gabriel. see?his name also funny. G.a.b.r.i.e.l? urgh. seriously Serena was so blind. yeah. Serena and that 'married' drama.

sabar ye Dan dear!

haha. sje je. watched gossip girls just now and got emo over it. *nitey nite!*

Monday, December 14, 2009

mood sikarang




rain,u da ckp nan i an. tamo belakon lam filem 18blabla. nk bg i tgk.
bencila maen mgkir jnji cmni. kite clash ah!

okeee. kakak kakak i yang suwit muwit sume takde. pegi cuticuti angkat brg di mlake. haha. pesa pun takde kat umah nak cari psal. so i sengsorang tgk tb layaaaan penguin dan meerkat dan bluewhale di animal planet. mood sikarang adlh konon konon diet. oke nak gi bau epal ijau. pupai~

Saturday, December 12, 2009

kenape kite mesti diuji?

akhir akhir ni makin banyak bende berserabut lintang pukang lam fikiran aqu. meh aqu kire berape encek encek lintang dan encek encek pukang. 1,2,3,dah. ye ke banyak tu je. ntahla,aqu pun tak tau. lintang pukang an. ssahla aqu nak kire. jangan tanye aqu plak nape ssah. aqu cekik wat gulai kang.

orang kate. ujian memantapkn iman. kne blaja saba,kne blaja ape hikmah dye. okela. meh kite uji ujian. haha. saba?hmm. aqu mmg out a. aqu nih tak saba owgnye. cnth satu kes tuu,aqu......eh. xya cite la ea. kih kih kih. hikmah dye plak?haa!aqu tau!kite kene engat walopun problemsss kite setinggi gunung everest,nikmat yang dikurniakn kepada kite lagilah berkali ganda. sape leh kire sume nikmat dye?even albert einstein pun aqu rase tak leh.

so,be strong!Allah with us no matter what and He loves us!more than your mother loves you!He knows what the best for us.

do not give up!sume yang terjadi adlh pengajaran yang harus dicucuk nan paku atau nak lebih kemas gne gam kasut 3 seconds tampal kat ati.

Thursday, December 10, 2009


cik ana cik anim and faisal went to mesramall .i tak ikut sbb i ade plan .ouh tak sangke i sggup tak ikut sbb plan tu .haha .taaaapiii
plan i tak bejaye ...
ade hikmah tu.

Sunday, December 6, 2009

kuterima motivasi cik annah pasal kurus dan sihat

my weight increased and i got fatter and fatter by each day . [oke i melampau nih wikiki] and just now i imagined myself so fat in front of mirror .ouh harap i tak kene aneroxia .

are you imagining me fat too? (=,=')

da xleh tau bayang i gemok debok .mlm ni i tak mkn .esk lak round umah 30kali,sit up 50kali .tercapai di akalmu ,kah?insyaAllah insyaAllah .

yang paling baek manis nye cik anna cik anim 'the MUNs' also uttered to me 'you're fat' day by day .how sweet they are . (=.=)

lagi shuweit bile tadi cik anna beri motibasi kurus oh tenkiu~ .balanced diet and exercise in consistent !

urm okela i nak tido esk nk bgn awl round umah .insyaAllah .eh potongla sikit .byk sgtla 30 .15 pun oke an .babysteps babysteps .

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

kan da kate

salam .it's not too late to wish u guys ,salam eid ul adha!puas tak makan daging?haha .alhamdulillah ari riots baru baru ni tak hujan .

etcelli i just wanna stick this

to my 'sayang'(my blog) haha ilya kau marah tak ni?agagaga XD yang dpan skali tu top student aka tok guru i cus otak dye mmg superb gelige haha .photographer tuu i la .nway,haa .haa .nak kate pe tu?msti korang nak kate 'eisy dak pmpuan tak sah takde gmba kat tndas .etc .' hello ni bukan tndas oke ni sink pizza hut .sink dye tak campur tandas .eleh macam a korang tak tau an . XP