Oleh itu,maka(tetapkanlah kepercayaanmu) bahawa sesungguhnya tiap-tiap kesukaran disertai kemudahan.(sekali lagi ditegaskan) bahawa sesungguhnya tiap-tiap kesukaran,disertai kemudahan. (AL-INSYIRAAH;5-6)

Saturday, November 21, 2009

our wildest dreams could be so reeaal !

so i finally managed to find adequate diversion through this lovely ceh tak ah tak lovely song haha .and i'm addicted to it!the song has been played in our local radio stations but the band remained a mystery .it has been posted unmarked and without a sender .ade kaki kot .i mean. what a strategy! 'mistery band with fresh extraordinary song' haha. oke. repeated. i'm addicted to it.

well at first listen,i guessed bunkface .who else sound like an american band?the slang ,music .it's totally them .haha .em it's only my opinion .so whoever creating 'through my window' and ,of course singing it ,


ouh and there has been a post declare it is mawi's!em i guess we all know it's not mawi .lol .

okay so i found many version singing it .bunkface(the owner haha),shila ,tomok ,and not to forget ,akim,mila and dafi(the trio) .

shila's version .XD

tomok's .

bunkface's version korang utube sendiri la okeh!btw ,the song's also on tv now with damn cute advert by tm 'everyone connects' .you know telco stuff .yeehaa!

3 owang mengomel je keje:

Anonymous said...

shila x cute.

Unknown on November 23, 2009 at 8:32 AM said...

suka iklan tu :)

najihah. on November 24, 2009 at 5:32 AM said...


eh. cute la. haha.

kak epal

iyep. ji pun suke gak. shuwit shangat.